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How does Ab epoxy resin adhesive dry quickly? Tips for drying epoxy resin adhesive quickly

How does Ab epoxy resin adhesive dry quickly? Tips for drying epoxy resin adhesive quickly

Method 1: Increase the amount of glue mixed each time. This method is very simple, but there are also many drawbacks. Because too much glue is mixed at once, the reaction between Agent A and Agent B will be faster, and it may solidify before the glue is applied quickly, which can easily cause waste; The mixing process of epoxy resin AB adhesive will release a large amount of heat, and excessive mixing at once will release a large amount of heat, which is also unsafe.


Method 2: Heating and Curing. Those who use epoxy resin AB adhesive for a long time know that the same type of epoxy resin AB adhesive dries much faster in hot summers than in low-temperature winters. Therefore, heating can effectively improve the curing speed. There are also two ways to choose from here: one is to raise the temperature of the operating environment, and the other is to place the bonded or sealed epoxy resin AB adhesive in a constant temperature oven and bake it at a certain high temperature for a period of time.

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