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Is epoxy resin Ab adhesive harmful to human health? What are the hazards of epoxy adhesive.

Is epoxy resin Ab adhesive harmful to human health? What are the hazards of epoxy adhesive.

Epoxy resin AB adhesive has a certain degree of toxicity, as it is non-toxic and does not form a gel. However, as long as used correctly, it generally does not cause too much harm to the human body, and its toxicity evaporates after curing. However, if AB adhesive is applied to the skin, it can still cause symptoms such as skin itching and mild stings. To prevent the harm of AB glue, it is necessary to maintain ventilation in the workplace during construction, wear protective gloves and industrial masks during operation, and avoid harm to the body. Let's take a look at the detailed knowledge together

1、 Is epoxy resin AB adhesive harmful to human health

Epoxy resin AB adhesive is a commonly used engineering adhesive, widely used in the construction field. Considering construction safety, we would like to know if epoxy resin AB adhesive will harm human health, and is it harmful to the body?

Generally speaking, epoxy AB adhesive has certain toxicity, and its toxicity mainly comes from the components in component B. When prepared, it generally produces slightly toxic gases; However, although epoxy AB adhesive itself is toxic, as long as it is used correctly and ventilated for more than 24 hours, it will not cause harm to human health. Because at this point, the epoxy AB adhesive has already cured, and once cured, it will no longer be toxic and will not cause harm to human health.

Therefore, generally speaking, if epoxy resin AB adhesive is used correctly and protective measures are taken, it will not cause too much harm to the human body.

2、 What are the hazards of AB epoxy adhesive

AB epoxy adhesive can only cause harm to the human body when used improperly. Generally, when the skin comes into contact with AB adhesive, symptoms such as skin itching and slight stinging may occur; In addition, when configuring AB epoxy adhesive, the micro toxic gas it produces may irritate the respiratory mucosa of the human body, causing certain harm.

3、 How to prevent the harm of AB epoxy adhesive

To prevent harm to the human body caused by AB epoxy adhesive, attention should be paid to some aspects during construction, such as:

1. Maintain ventilation in the workplace for at least 24 hours after construction, and wait for the AB epoxy adhesive to solidify before entering the construction site.

2. When operating, please wear protective gloves to prevent AB glue from getting on the skin. If it touches the skin, rinse immediately with water, and then wipe with alcohol or acetone. In severe cases, seek medical attention.

3. When preparing epoxy AB adhesive during construction, industrial masks should be worn to avoid inhaling toxic gases.


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